Mini Vinnies

If you want to find out more about Mini Vinnies then follow the link below...

 Here at Holy Family we really enjoying the benefits of having Mini Vinnies in school.  Our Mini Vinnies organise and taken part in lots of exciting events. 

Thursday 3rd October 

Today our Mini-Vinnies hosted our MacMillan Coffee Morning. They helped out on cake stalls, played games and held contests like 'Guess how many coffee cups'. 

We raised an amazing £320.00 - thank you to all our parents, children and staff for their incredible donations!

Wednesday 18th September 

Some of our Mini Vinnies were very lucky this month and attended the Mini Vinnie Mass on Wednesday 25th September. Hazel read a beautiful bidding prayer and we finished Mass by singing the Mini Vinnie song. They even got to have their picture taken with Bishop Marcus.


Wednesday 1st May

 Today the Mini Vinnies decided it would be nice to share our May Procession flowers and took some down to our local care home. The Green Lane Lodge staff were so grateful and there were so many smiles. They were a little nervous so we took a picture just outside.


Tuesday 26th March 

Today the Mini Vinnies from Holy Family and St Philips went on a pilgrimage to Ilkley to raise money for Lent. They visited the Stations of the Cross and spent time reflecting on the journey that Jesus went on when He gave up His life for us. 

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Our Mini-Vinnies and Live Simply children have been working hard to make our prayer garden a more spiritual place for reflection to deepen our faith. They have decorated prayer stones of our school virtues and quotes from scripture to place around the outside for all to use during prayer sessions and worships.

Thank you Mrs Burrow for helping us! 

Mini Vinnies have been working hard selling poppies to help raise funds for our veterans  

We had a coffee morning at Holy Family today to raise funds for McMillen Cancer charity. Sir John Battle and Molly Jackson, the Chair of SVP, both joined us in this fantastic cause organised by our Mini- Vinnies.


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Posters for our MacMillan Coffee Morning 

Our Year 4 Mini-Vinnies have been busy making posters to advertise our coffee morning to raise money for MacMillan. 

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Enrolment September 2023

Father Neil came in today to be part of our Mini Vinnie enrolment. The soon to be Mini Vinnies then make a pledge of all the things they will do to help raise money for charities once they become a Mini Vinnie.


Good Shepherd Mass

We celebrated the Good Shepherd Mass today and presented Bishop Marcus with a cheque for all our fundraising during Lent. 

Our Year 4 children were also lucky enough to sing in the choir during Mass. 

Christmas Card Activity 

Our Mini-Vinnies have been making cards for those who may be lonely at Christmas and need some cheering up. 

Christmas Fayre Raffle Tickets 

Our Mini-Vinnies have been selling raffle tickets after Mass for our School/Parish Christmas Fayre on Friday 2nd December.

All are welcome to come and visit us and help raise money for our school and Parish!


Remembrance Poppies 

This week, our Mini-Vinnies have been working very hard to sell poppies. The have been selling poppies to our parents and members of the public and also to staff and children within school. 

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Mini-Vinnie Mass - Wednesday 28th September 

Some of our new Mini-Vinnies went to a special Mass today to celebrate with Bishop Marcus.

They also made their pledge to always put others before themselves. 


Mini-Vinnie Sponsored Walk - Thursday 22nd September 

Today, some of our Mini-Vinnies were joined by some Mini-Vinnies from Christ the King and together, they took part in a sponsored walk to raise money for charity. Throughout the afternoon, they took time to pause and reflect, whilst also appreciating the nature that surrounded them. 

Thank you to Mrs Crosthwaite and Mrs Rees for organising an amazing day at Golden Acre Park!

Good Shepherd Mass 

Today we presented Bishop Marcus with a cheque for the Good Shepherd. We spoke to him about all the fundraising we have done in school to raise money during Lent and Easter. 

Badge Presentation - February 2022

Today our Mini Vinnies were presented with their new badges. They are so proud of the work they have done so far and can't wait to continue doing God's special work during Lent. 

Enrolment October 2021

Before the Mini Vinnies become Mini Vinnies they have to go through the enrolment Assembly. The soon to be Mini Vinnies then make a pledge of all the things they will do to help raise money for charities once they become a Mini Vinnie.

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Visiting the Bishop - 21.10.21

Some of our Mini Vinnies were lucky enough to visit Leeds Cathedral today. They went to visit Bishop Marcus and present him with a cheque for all the money we have raised for ‘The Good Shepherd Appeal’. 

Macmillan Coffee Morning:

One of the many charities Mini Vinnies support is Macmillan. Every year they host a coffee morning in the hall before school. They have games, treats and of course plenty of cake!

Like last year, we incorporated our annual 'Bake Off' to coincide with the event to make sure there were plenty of buns and cakes to sell on the morning.

All together we raised a fantastic £245.70p for Macmillan Cancer Support.


Mini Vinnies

If you want to find out more about Mini Vinnies then follow the link below...

 Here at Holy Family we really enjoying the benefits of having Mini Vinnies in school.  Our Mini Vinnies organise and taken part in lots of exciting events. 

Thursday 3rd October 

Today our Mini-Vinnies hosted our MacMillan Coffee Morning. They helped out on cake stalls, played games and held contests like 'Guess how many coffee cups'. 

We raised an amazing £320.00 - thank you to all our parents, children and staff for their incredible donations!

Wednesday 18th September 

Some of our Mini Vinnies were very lucky this month and attended the Mini Vinnie Mass on Wednesday 25th September. Hazel read a beautiful bidding prayer and we finished Mass by singing the Mini Vinnie song. They even got to have their picture taken with Bishop Marcus.


Wednesday 1st May

 Today the Mini Vinnies decided it would be nice to share our May Procession flowers and took some down to our local care home. The Green Lane Lodge staff were so grateful and there were so many smiles. They were a little nervous so we took a picture just outside.


Tuesday 26th March 

Today the Mini Vinnies from Holy Family and St Philips went on a pilgrimage to Ilkley to raise money for Lent. They visited the Stations of the Cross and spent time reflecting on the journey that Jesus went on when He gave up His life for us. 

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Our Mini-Vinnies and Live Simply children have been working hard to make our prayer garden a more spiritual place for reflection to deepen our faith. They have decorated prayer stones of our school virtues and quotes from scripture to place around the outside for all to use during prayer sessions and worships.

Thank you Mrs Burrow for helping us! 

Mini Vinnies have been working hard selling poppies to help raise funds for our veterans  

We had a coffee morning at Holy Family today to raise funds for McMillen Cancer charity. Sir John Battle and Molly Jackson, the Chair of SVP, both joined us in this fantastic cause organised by our Mini- Vinnies.


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Posters for our MacMillan Coffee Morning 

Our Year 4 Mini-Vinnies have been busy making posters to advertise our coffee morning to raise money for MacMillan. 

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Enrolment September 2023

Father Neil came in today to be part of our Mini Vinnie enrolment. The soon to be Mini Vinnies then make a pledge of all the things they will do to help raise money for charities once they become a Mini Vinnie.


Good Shepherd Mass

We celebrated the Good Shepherd Mass today and presented Bishop Marcus with a cheque for all our fundraising during Lent. 

Our Year 4 children were also lucky enough to sing in the choir during Mass. 

Christmas Card Activity 

Our Mini-Vinnies have been making cards for those who may be lonely at Christmas and need some cheering up. 

Christmas Fayre Raffle Tickets 

Our Mini-Vinnies have been selling raffle tickets after Mass for our School/Parish Christmas Fayre on Friday 2nd December.

All are welcome to come and visit us and help raise money for our school and Parish!


Remembrance Poppies 

This week, our Mini-Vinnies have been working very hard to sell poppies. The have been selling poppies to our parents and members of the public and also to staff and children within school. 

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Mini-Vinnie Mass - Wednesday 28th September 

Some of our new Mini-Vinnies went to a special Mass today to celebrate with Bishop Marcus.

They also made their pledge to always put others before themselves. 


Mini-Vinnie Sponsored Walk - Thursday 22nd September 

Today, some of our Mini-Vinnies were joined by some Mini-Vinnies from Christ the King and together, they took part in a sponsored walk to raise money for charity. Throughout the afternoon, they took time to pause and reflect, whilst also appreciating the nature that surrounded them. 

Thank you to Mrs Crosthwaite and Mrs Rees for organising an amazing day at Golden Acre Park!

Good Shepherd Mass 

Today we presented Bishop Marcus with a cheque for the Good Shepherd. We spoke to him about all the fundraising we have done in school to raise money during Lent and Easter. 

Badge Presentation - February 2022

Today our Mini Vinnies were presented with their new badges. They are so proud of the work they have done so far and can't wait to continue doing God's special work during Lent. 

Enrolment October 2021

Before the Mini Vinnies become Mini Vinnies they have to go through the enrolment Assembly. The soon to be Mini Vinnies then make a pledge of all the things they will do to help raise money for charities once they become a Mini Vinnie.

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Visiting the Bishop - 21.10.21

Some of our Mini Vinnies were lucky enough to visit Leeds Cathedral today. They went to visit Bishop Marcus and present him with a cheque for all the money we have raised for ‘The Good Shepherd Appeal’. 

Macmillan Coffee Morning:

One of the many charities Mini Vinnies support is Macmillan. Every year they host a coffee morning in the hall before school. They have games, treats and of course plenty of cake!

Like last year, we incorporated our annual 'Bake Off' to coincide with the event to make sure there were plenty of buns and cakes to sell on the morning.

All together we raised a fantastic £245.70p for Macmillan Cancer Support.


Mini Vinnies

If you want to find out more about Mini Vinnies then follow the link below...

 Here at Holy Family we really enjoying the benefits of having Mini Vinnies in school.  Our Mini Vinnies organise and taken part in lots of exciting events. 

Thursday 3rd October 

Today our Mini-Vinnies hosted our MacMillan Coffee Morning. They helped out on cake stalls, played games and held contests like 'Guess how many coffee cups'. 

We raised an amazing £320.00 - thank you to all our parents, children and staff for their incredible donations!

Wednesday 18th September 

Some of our Mini Vinnies were very lucky this month and attended the Mini Vinnie Mass on Wednesday 25th September. Hazel read a beautiful bidding prayer and we finished Mass by singing the Mini Vinnie song. They even got to have their picture taken with Bishop Marcus.


Wednesday 1st May

 Today the Mini Vinnies decided it would be nice to share our May Procession flowers and took some down to our local care home. The Green Lane Lodge staff were so grateful and there were so many smiles. They were a little nervous so we took a picture just outside.


Tuesday 26th March 

Today the Mini Vinnies from Holy Family and St Philips went on a pilgrimage to Ilkley to raise money for Lent. They visited the Stations of the Cross and spent time reflecting on the journey that Jesus went on when He gave up His life for us. 

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Our Mini-Vinnies and Live Simply children have been working hard to make our prayer garden a more spiritual place for reflection to deepen our faith. They have decorated prayer stones of our school virtues and quotes from scripture to place around the outside for all to use during prayer sessions and worships.

Thank you Mrs Burrow for helping us! 

Mini Vinnies have been working hard selling poppies to help raise funds for our veterans  

We had a coffee morning at Holy Family today to raise funds for McMillen Cancer charity. Sir John Battle and Molly Jackson, the Chair of SVP, both joined us in this fantastic cause organised by our Mini- Vinnies.


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Posters for our MacMillan Coffee Morning 

Our Year 4 Mini-Vinnies have been busy making posters to advertise our coffee morning to raise money for MacMillan. 

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Enrolment September 2023

Father Neil came in today to be part of our Mini Vinnie enrolment. The soon to be Mini Vinnies then make a pledge of all the things they will do to help raise money for charities once they become a Mini Vinnie.


Good Shepherd Mass

We celebrated the Good Shepherd Mass today and presented Bishop Marcus with a cheque for all our fundraising during Lent. 

Our Year 4 children were also lucky enough to sing in the choir during Mass. 

Christmas Card Activity 

Our Mini-Vinnies have been making cards for those who may be lonely at Christmas and need some cheering up. 

Christmas Fayre Raffle Tickets 

Our Mini-Vinnies have been selling raffle tickets after Mass for our School/Parish Christmas Fayre on Friday 2nd December.

All are welcome to come and visit us and help raise money for our school and Parish!


Remembrance Poppies 

This week, our Mini-Vinnies have been working very hard to sell poppies. The have been selling poppies to our parents and members of the public and also to staff and children within school. 

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Mini-Vinnie Mass - Wednesday 28th September 

Some of our new Mini-Vinnies went to a special Mass today to celebrate with Bishop Marcus.

They also made their pledge to always put others before themselves. 


Mini-Vinnie Sponsored Walk - Thursday 22nd September 

Today, some of our Mini-Vinnies were joined by some Mini-Vinnies from Christ the King and together, they took part in a sponsored walk to raise money for charity. Throughout the afternoon, they took time to pause and reflect, whilst also appreciating the nature that surrounded them. 

Thank you to Mrs Crosthwaite and Mrs Rees for organising an amazing day at Golden Acre Park!

Good Shepherd Mass 

Today we presented Bishop Marcus with a cheque for the Good Shepherd. We spoke to him about all the fundraising we have done in school to raise money during Lent and Easter. 

Badge Presentation - February 2022

Today our Mini Vinnies were presented with their new badges. They are so proud of the work they have done so far and can't wait to continue doing God's special work during Lent. 

Enrolment October 2021

Before the Mini Vinnies become Mini Vinnies they have to go through the enrolment Assembly. The soon to be Mini Vinnies then make a pledge of all the things they will do to help raise money for charities once they become a Mini Vinnie.

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Visiting the Bishop - 21.10.21

Some of our Mini Vinnies were lucky enough to visit Leeds Cathedral today. They went to visit Bishop Marcus and present him with a cheque for all the money we have raised for ‘The Good Shepherd Appeal’. 

Macmillan Coffee Morning:

One of the many charities Mini Vinnies support is Macmillan. Every year they host a coffee morning in the hall before school. They have games, treats and of course plenty of cake!

Like last year, we incorporated our annual 'Bake Off' to coincide with the event to make sure there were plenty of buns and cakes to sell on the morning.

All together we raised a fantastic £245.70p for Macmillan Cancer Support.