Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Holy Family Catholic Primary School

To work, to pray, to play in the Light of the Lord

  1. Year Group Pages
  2. Year 3

 Welcome to our Year 3 class page!


Our class teacher is Mrs Birch


We are also supported by Miss Charlesworth and Mr Keating. Mrs Merdani teaches us on a Wednesday afternoon.

Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.

13/11/24 ICT- Creating Media 

In ICT, the children in year 3 have been having lots of fun. They have been using techniques to create a stop-frame animation. This will help us to apply these skills to create a story- base animation using the tablets.

11/11/2024- French- Remembrance day in France 

In today’s lesson, we learnt that in France, the First World War was fought in Northern France on fields where beautiful wild flowers like poppies and cornflowers grew, “ Le Bleuet, et le coquelicot”.We also learnt that Remembrance Day is a national day in France and schools are closed. 


17/10/24 D-side Dave

In Year 3, D side Dave came to visit year 3. We spoke all about how to stay safe online. The children looked at the importance of staying safe online and what to do to stay safe. Year 3 love when D side Dave comes to year 3!

15/10/24 French - J’apprends le français! 

In French we have been learning about finding France on the map as well as familiarising ourselves with Francophone countries on a world map too.

During this topic, we have also started to perform simple conversation using key greetings, ask and answer questions 'How are you?' and 'What is your name?' in French.

In todays lesson, we had so much fun making practising what we have learned so far.

We love learning French!


6.10.24 - Religious Education


In RE, we have been learning about 'The Christian Family'. As part of this topic, we have been discussing what a Baptism is and why it is so important. We looked at the symbolism used at a Baptism and today, the children made posters in groups to share everything they had learnt in our unit so far.

1.10.24 - Science


Today, we went on a hunt around our outdoor areas to observe what different types of soil were there. We learnt about how soil is the effect of weathering and how this links to our topic of Rocks. We really enjoyed using the magnifying glasses to zoom in at the different samples of soil we took. 

9.9.24 - History

We have been learning about 'The Stone Age' in our history lessons.  We started our topic by learning what the word 'prehistory' means and we made a human timeline to help us with our chronological understanding. 


3.9.24 - Science

We have been learning about Rocks in science. To help us understand the different types of rocks, we used Starburst sweets to represent how they are formed. Sedimentary rocks were shown by layering the Starbursts and compacting them, we then heated them up in our hands to show the effects of how igneous rocks are created. We then carefully melted the Starbursts to show the impact heat had on the formation and how metamorphic rocks are created.