Welcome to Reception

Thank you for visiting our class web page, we look forward to keeping you updated with posts throughout the wonderful year.


In Reception, we have these adults to help us

Miss Brown, Mrs Gibbons, Mrs Bi and Miss Collinson


Our PE day is Thursday please arrive at school wearing your kit


Our Class

Our Classroom

Our Shared Area

World Book Day


Reception Class Assembly - Valentines Day


Under the Sea Inspiration Day - 15th January 2025

Reception and Nursery had so much during their Under the Sea Inspiration Day! 

We baked yummy gingerbread fish and enjoyed fish finger sandwiches.

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Spring 1 Photos

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Spring 1

We will continue our daily phonics sessions, where we will be introduced to a new sound every day so we must attend on time and not miss out. The sounds (graphemes) that will be taught this term are: 

oo (book) ar ur oo (spoon) or ow oi ear air ure er ow

In maths, we will continue our counting and subitising skills. We will review our previously learnt knowledge of numbers 1-5. We will embed how we represent these numbers using tools such as a number line, which helps us find 1 more and 1 less of a given number. Once we are confident with these numbers, we will then introduce numbers 6, 7, and 8. We will revisit capacity and measurement and begin to compare these.

In our R.E lessons, we will focus on our new topic Getting to know Jesus. We will learn about what it means to get to know Jesus and how we can become friends with Jesus. We will also listen to key stories of Jesus lost in the temple and the call of the disciples and look at how imprtant these stories are to our new topic.

This term we are looking at under the sea and the life of pirates. We have widened this further by changing our role-play area into an aquarium and then developing this into a pirate den closer to the end of term. Through our topic, we will learn about different marine life and sea creatures and their habitats. We will also look at conservation and introduce the idea of caring for our environment, such as reducing plastic waste to protect our oceans.


After Mass this morning, we spent time with our buddies in year 6. We shared a snack with them, exchanged cards, and then played outside. What fun!

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A visit to Santa's Grotto 

Autumn 2 - Photos

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Autumn term 2

We will continue our daily phonics sessions, where we will be introduced to a new sound every day so we must attend on time and not miss out. The sounds (graphemes) that will be taught this term are: 

j v w x z zz qu ch sh th ng nk ai ee igh oa

In maths, we will continue our counting and subitising skills. The ongoing focus is that the children can reliably count to 10 and say which is one more and one less than a given number of 5. We will introduce children to a number line to help them identify one more and one less. We will look at numbers 4, 5, and 6. We will also begin talking and identifying shapes such as circles, triangles, and four-sided shapes such as rectangles and squares.

In RE, we will focus on our new topic, God’s Family. We will learn about what a family is and make links to our families at home. We will talk about how the Holy Family is one big family and that we are all part of God’s family. We will also learn about the Nativity story and how important the story of the first Christmas is to Christians.

For our topic this term will continue to look at people who help us, we will look at roles within our community that support us daily such as dentists, doctors, construction workers and emergency services. We have an inspiring roleplay corner set up ready for the children to roleplay with resources that will allow them to engage in creative and imaginative play.

 7th October - 11th October Stay and play morning

Thank you to all the wonderful parents who came to play this week! We hope to invite you again shortly

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Autumn 1 - photos

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Practising graphemes

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Autumn term 1

In this first term we will focus on settling into the daily routine of school and exploring within the classroom, shared area and outside. We will meet our new class peers for the first time and make many new friends at Holy Family.


We will be starting our daily phonics sessions, where we will be introduced to a new sound every day so we must attend on time so we don't miss out. The sounds (graphemes) that will be taught this term are: 

s a t p i n g o c k ck



In maths, we will be learning and exploring how to sort, match and organise objects into different groups and then quickly move on to comparing size, mass and capacity. At the end of the term, maths will focus on numbers and how we can represent numbers from 1-3. We will also look at how we can find 1 more and 1 less of a given number. 


In RE we will be looking at God's world and how it was created in 7 days. We will also be talking about how God loves every one of us and how we are all unique and special. Within worship, we will be looking at how we dress our altar together and how it is a precious time spent together to reflect and pray. We will introduce children to our daily prayer routine which is followed throughout the school.


Our topic this term will be people who help us, we will look at roles within our community that support us daily such as dentists, doctors, construction workers and emergency services. We have an inspiring roleplay corner set up ready for the children to roleplay with resources that will allow them to engage in creative and imaginative play.


Each week your child will continue to bring home a new reading book containing the sounds they have been taught that week in school.

We recommend reading with your child daily and leaving a comment in the reading record provided.

Please return your child’s reading pack to school every day.
Please see the video below which shows how your children learn to pronounce each sound in school, please feel free to have a read through the parent information slide which will give you a little bit of information on how phonics is taught in Reception class.
