Physical Education


At Holy Family Catholic Primary School, it is our intention to deliver a high-quality physical education curriculum which inspires pupils at all ages to succeed and excel in physical activity, physical education and competitive sport. Through the PE curriculum, pupils are provided with opportunities to progress their knowledge, skills and vocabulary in a way which enables them to demonstrate physical literacy with confidence, as well as developing key values and transferrable life-skills. 

The PE curriculum is largely based on both the Early Years Framework and National Curriculum documents. It is broad and balanced, and ensures that teaching and learning in all year group builds upon the skills required to meet the end of key stage outcomes.  Teachers are advised to use the long-term curriculum plan, alongside their own professional judgement when planning PE lessons.

In Key Stage 1, the curriculum focusses on developing pupil’s fundamental movement skills in order to improve their agility, balance and co-ordination, both individually and with others. Progressing further, in Key Stage 2, the curriculum provides pupils with the opportunity to apply and develop a wide range of physical and sporting skills in various contexts. Alongside this, pupils are also taught to enjoy communication, collaboration and competition with each other whilst beginning to develop an understanding of how to recognise their own and other’s successes and improve their performances. 



At Holy Family Catholic Primary School, the PE curriculum is implemented through a variety of strategies. All classes take part in 2 hours of high-quality PE each week which is taught by the class teacher. This is also supplemented enriched by specialist coaches at various times of the year. Throughout lessons, teachers provide pupils with high-quality models and scaffolds, as well as allowing them opportunities to develop, progress and embed their skills through active and engaging practises. In addition to this, our pupils are also able to take part in an extensive number of extra-curricular sporting activities including but not limited to, athletics, dance, skipping, football and basketball etc. Through these, pupils are provided with a number of opportunities to develop new skills and progress previously learnt skills further. There are also many chances for pupils to participate in both inter and intra school competitions throughout the academic year.



In order to measure the impact of the physical education curriculum, teachers will regularly use formative assessment methods in line with the long-term curriculum. Through this, it will be clear that all pupils have developed both physically and mentally in regard to physical activity, physical education and school sport and are increasingly likely to continue to live active and healthy lifestyles.


Physical Education


At Holy Family Catholic Primary School, it is our intention to deliver a high-quality physical education curriculum which inspires pupils at all ages to succeed and excel in physical activity, physical education and competitive sport. Through the PE curriculum, pupils are provided with opportunities to progress their knowledge, skills and vocabulary in a way which enables them to demonstrate physical literacy with confidence, as well as developing key values and transferrable life-skills. 

The PE curriculum is largely based on both the Early Years Framework and National Curriculum documents. It is broad and balanced, and ensures that teaching and learning in all year group builds upon the skills required to meet the end of key stage outcomes.  Teachers are advised to use the long-term curriculum plan, alongside their own professional judgement when planning PE lessons.

In Key Stage 1, the curriculum focusses on developing pupil’s fundamental movement skills in order to improve their agility, balance and co-ordination, both individually and with others. Progressing further, in Key Stage 2, the curriculum provides pupils with the opportunity to apply and develop a wide range of physical and sporting skills in various contexts. Alongside this, pupils are also taught to enjoy communication, collaboration and competition with each other whilst beginning to develop an understanding of how to recognise their own and other’s successes and improve their performances. 



At Holy Family Catholic Primary School, the PE curriculum is implemented through a variety of strategies. All classes take part in 2 hours of high-quality PE each week which is taught by the class teacher. This is also supplemented enriched by specialist coaches at various times of the year. Throughout lessons, teachers provide pupils with high-quality models and scaffolds, as well as allowing them opportunities to develop, progress and embed their skills through active and engaging practises. In addition to this, our pupils are also able to take part in an extensive number of extra-curricular sporting activities including but not limited to, athletics, dance, skipping, football and basketball etc. Through these, pupils are provided with a number of opportunities to develop new skills and progress previously learnt skills further. There are also many chances for pupils to participate in both inter and intra school competitions throughout the academic year.



In order to measure the impact of the physical education curriculum, teachers will regularly use formative assessment methods in line with the long-term curriculum. Through this, it will be clear that all pupils have developed both physically and mentally in regard to physical activity, physical education and school sport and are increasingly likely to continue to live active and healthy lifestyles.


Physical Education


At Holy Family Catholic Primary School, it is our intention to deliver a high-quality physical education curriculum which inspires pupils at all ages to succeed and excel in physical activity, physical education and competitive sport. Through the PE curriculum, pupils are provided with opportunities to progress their knowledge, skills and vocabulary in a way which enables them to demonstrate physical literacy with confidence, as well as developing key values and transferrable life-skills. 

The PE curriculum is largely based on both the Early Years Framework and National Curriculum documents. It is broad and balanced, and ensures that teaching and learning in all year group builds upon the skills required to meet the end of key stage outcomes.  Teachers are advised to use the long-term curriculum plan, alongside their own professional judgement when planning PE lessons.

In Key Stage 1, the curriculum focusses on developing pupil’s fundamental movement skills in order to improve their agility, balance and co-ordination, both individually and with others. Progressing further, in Key Stage 2, the curriculum provides pupils with the opportunity to apply and develop a wide range of physical and sporting skills in various contexts. Alongside this, pupils are also taught to enjoy communication, collaboration and competition with each other whilst beginning to develop an understanding of how to recognise their own and other’s successes and improve their performances. 



At Holy Family Catholic Primary School, the PE curriculum is implemented through a variety of strategies. All classes take part in 2 hours of high-quality PE each week which is taught by the class teacher. This is also supplemented enriched by specialist coaches at various times of the year. Throughout lessons, teachers provide pupils with high-quality models and scaffolds, as well as allowing them opportunities to develop, progress and embed their skills through active and engaging practises. In addition to this, our pupils are also able to take part in an extensive number of extra-curricular sporting activities including but not limited to, athletics, dance, skipping, football and basketball etc. Through these, pupils are provided with a number of opportunities to develop new skills and progress previously learnt skills further. There are also many chances for pupils to participate in both inter and intra school competitions throughout the academic year.



In order to measure the impact of the physical education curriculum, teachers will regularly use formative assessment methods in line with the long-term curriculum. Through this, it will be clear that all pupils have developed both physically and mentally in regard to physical activity, physical education and school sport and are increasingly likely to continue to live active and healthy lifestyles.
