In Year 4, we have Mr Mason, Mrs Merdani and Mrs Angstmann.
We can't wait to show you all the amazing things we are learning about this year. We hope that you visit us regularly to keep up to date with all the fun we are having in our class.
17/12/202- French - Christmas in France
In year 4, we have been exploring what Christmas is like in France. We created our own Christmas jumpers and wrote complex sentences in French to describe them.
A visit to Santa's Grotto
Today we carried out an investigation using circuits. We looked at pictures of a circuit and predicted whether we thought the circuit was complete or incomplete based on our knowledge of circuits and electricity. We then made a simple circuit to ensure all the components in our circuit were working. After that, we built the different circuits to test if our prediction was correct.
27.11.2024 - Assembly
This morning we delivered our first assembly all about Advent.
Through our words and song we reminded everyone how important it is that we remember who it is we are really preparing for during Advent, by remembering the story of Mary and Joseph as they prepared for the birth of Jesus.
Today in science we carried out our investigation. We made sure we carefully followed our method to ensure our investigation was fair.
This morning we were very lucky to have a visit from D-Side Dave. He taught us all about internet safety and how we can keep ourselves safe online.
Thank you D-Side Dave!
Athletics Competition
Some of our year 4 students taking part in a sports hall athletics competition at Holy Family. They were all amazing!
Connect Challenge
Today we took part in the Connect Challenge with all the other classes in school. We completed our physical tasks in memory of Rob Burrow. We completed our 1 mile run around school, had a go at the throw and catch challenge and played the race across the river game. We thought about what friendship means to us and how participating in physical activity makes us feel. Everybody did amazing!
Skipping School
Today, two coaches from the skipping school came into Holy Family to teach us how to skip. We learnt lots of different skipping skills that we will perform at a competition against other schools later in the year. Some were very tricky, like the pretzel!
We will continue to practice our new skipping skills so that we are ready for the competition and to help us stay fit and active.