Ash Wednesday:
We are a bit too little to sit in the whole school masss but Father Neil sent some ashes back to school for us to use. We thought about how hard it must have been for Jesus to be in the desert and made our own Lenten Promises. We all had ashes on our forehead and liked looking at them in the mirror. We told our families all about them as we went home.
February: Making God's World
During our play today, some of us created God's World. The children invited everyone to join in and play because they are such good friends. This shows great 'Kindness' which is our class virtue.
24th January: Starting the Jubilee Year
Today we learnt all about the word 'Hope' and what it means to us. We coloured in the word and Mrs Walsh used it in different sentances to help us practise using it. We also watched a mini liturgy from the Mark 10 team. It was so nice to sit quietly and calmly.
22nd November: Understanding Hope
Today, Nursery heard the story of Jesus healing a blind man. We spoke about how the blind man had hope. Lots of us said it was 'really kind' of Jesus to help the man see again.
We will remember them: November
Collecting for Harvest: Monday 7th October
Looking after God's creatures: Thursday 3rd October
Today we found a worm in our outdoor area. We loved looking at it move around but were very careful to make sure it didn't get hurt!
Starting to Pray: 16th September
Today we looked at the Prayer Table and all of the different parts that make it. We used a green cloth, a candle, a cross and a bible to set it up. Mrs Walsh explained that the candle lets us know that Jesus is here with us.
Friday 26th April 2024
Two of our Nursery friends showed kindness this afternoon by helping our adults tidy up after movement play!
Friday 19th April 2024
One of our friends decided to say a prayer at our altar!
Tuesday 16th April 2024
Some of our Nursery friends decided to work together during playtime to build a zoo. They were sharing and did an excellent job of demonstrating our virtue of kindness.
Wednesday 28th February 2024
Every Wednesday as a whole school we participate in Stations of the Cross. The children and their families are invited to join us. This week a child from the Nursery came and joined us. Thank you for joining us at this special time of year. If you would like to join us, we meet at 8.30 am on Wednesday.
Tuesday 20th February 2024
The daffodils that we planted last year in October 2023 have now bloomed. We took the children outside to look at how they had grown. We are so proud of our flowers as they make the foundation stage look pretty.
Tuesday 17th January 2024
This month we have welcomed a lot of new children into the Nursery. One of our new children had fallen on the floor outside and an older Nursery child helped up their new friend. Well done for showing a kind heart to other children and our virtue of kindness.
Wednesday 10th January 2024
After painting in the classroom a group of children noticed that the table was very wet and messy! The girls took it upon themselves to use paper towels from the side to clean up the mess that was made during their play. Well done for spreading the virtue of kindness by looking after our classroom so well.
Thursday 14th December 2023
Today we had our annual whole school Christmas dinner, we invited our families to join us for this special occasion. Advent is a time when we reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and think about how we can have a sense of community and togetherness. Eating dinner together with our families helps us to strengthen the partnership between school and home. We enjoyed having you share a special time with us.
Thursday 7th December 2023
When playing in the garden today Nursery children found a worm on the floor. The children at first were scared of the worm and wanted to get rid of it. In a circle, we spoke about how the worm is one of God's creatures and how we need to protect the worm and look after it. The children then started to bring the worm leaves to fed the worm and shelter using bricks.
Monday 4th December 2023
In class today we had the opportunity to create some Angel baubles for the whole school Christmas tree in the hall. We spoke about how the ornaments could be Angel Gabriel and the children in Nursery were really excited to decorate their own Angel Gabriel as we identified the important part that they played in the very first nativity.
Friday 1st December 2023
Today we prepared Nurseries Advent wreath for our Altar. Every child in nursery was able to take part in adding to our Advent wreath with greenery that was foraged outside. We spoke about how the Advent wreath helps us to countdown to the birth of Jesus and that we will light one candle each week until Christmas eve. We also spoke about how our Altar cloth has now changed colour from green to purple as we are now in Advent season.
Monday 13th November 2023
This week we have been able to buy poppies for Remembrance Day which goes towards the British Legion charity. Charity is one of our virtue focuses. When the children had bought their poppies and donated their money we spoke about what they represent and then created our own poppy pictures for a display within our classroom.
Monday 16th October 2023
Today we worked together as a team to make God's Wonderful World more beautiful. We had the opportunity to plant some bulbs in the garden outside of Nursery which will hopefully flower next spring.
Monday 9th October 2023
Here are just some of our Nursery children who have kindly donated food to be sent to the Leeds homeless street Aid.
Monday 2nd October 2023
Today as we were having an Autumnal walk the children noticed some symbols that we have been looking at within our R.E topic. We stopped and spoke about a few of them and the children showed good understanding of some of the key symbols of prayer, cross and Jesus.
"Look hands together" Yoel
"It's a cross" Jenson
"This is Jesus" Karen
Tuesday 26th September 2023
During free play, a few children in the Nursery decided to practise dressing our altar.
Tuesday 19th September 2023
Today, we looked at how to dress our altar for the first time!
Monday 30th January 2023
Today, we visited church for the first time as a class. For some of us, this was our first experience at Church. We were able to look around and find things that we had been discussing in class!
”I can see Jesus on the cross” - Paisley
”I can see candles” - Zara
“It’s a green cloth” - Reggie
Friday 3rd February 2023
Today we looked at the virtue kindness. We talked about what it means to be kind to others around us, and how we can show kindness.
“Kindness means when you give someone a cuddle” - Paisley
”Kindness is saying sorry” - Gabby
“Smiling is kind” - Elijah
“Drawing a picture for mummy” - Jenson
”Sharing toys” - Alexander B
Monday 6th February 2023
A week after visiting church, we talked about everything we saw and used our mini church to help us. As a class, we spoke about the priest standing behind the alter, talking to the people.
Wednesday 8th February 2023
Today we had a stay and play where our Mummies & Daddies came in to play with us! We made lots of things for Valentine’s Day and we spoke about the virtue, love and charity.
Tuesday 21st February 2023
Nursery talked about how we change our cloth from green to purple for Lent. We also discussed that purple means waiting. We then finished the day with some yummy pancakes - we even had the choice of different toppings!
Monday 6th March 2023
We started our mini beast topic! Today, we went into our garden to see all the different types of God’s creatures we could find. We found flies, worms and snails!
Tuesday 7th March 2023
We started fundraising for Lent! With reception class, we sold toast to the whole school. Some of our Mummies and Daddies paid for us to have some too.
Wednesday 5th April 2023
Our walk for Lent.
Monday 17th April 2023
Today we finished learning about the Easter story. We talked about how Jesus’ friends and family were happy that Jesus had come back.
Monday 20th April 2023
For Earth Day, we talked about how we can look after God’s planet. We read a story about why it is important to not throw our rubbish into the Sea, as we want to look after our sea animals. We then looked at how we can recycle old boxes into new toys. We became car drivers and robots!
Tuesday 9th May 2023
Today we talked about Spring and how we see God’s world change with the weather. We went into our special garden and we found new flowers and lots of bumblebees and butterflies!
Monday 26th June 2023
Today we read a story about how Jesus was kind to his Disciples, and we talked about what we have done to show kindness to others.
”I played with Esme.” - Reggie
“I shared with Baha with the board pen.” - Paisley
“When Gabby was crying I gave her a hug and made her happy.” - Zara
”I shared with my toys.” - Daniel
“I help the teachers.” - Thomas
“Use my kind hands.” - Elijah
“I shared the trolly with Jenson.” - Imogen
“I didn’t hurt my brother.” - Amelia
“I played with David.” - Baha
“Say sorry.” - Yoab
“I played with my friends.” - Jaycee
“I been nice.” - Jenson
“I wiped Zara’s cheek and said sorry.” - Gabby
“I have played with them.” - Arlo
Monday 10th July 2023
Today we looked at our school mission “To work, to pray, to play in the light of the Lord.” We found hidden photos around out playground and talked about what each photo means. We then put together a big jigsaw that created an image of Jesus.