We celebrated our Mission Day in school.
"To work, To pray, To play in the light of the Lord."
We worked together by going on a treasure hunt to find the 16 letters that were hidden around school. We then had to sort the letters to spell out an important phrases.
The letters spelt out 'PERSERVE WITH GOD'.
We prayed together by thinking about when Jesus took up His cross. He did this so he could take away our sins and all our hurt. The cross is a symbol of hope, peace, love, joy and strength. In this time of great pain Jesus took all our hurt away so that we could renew and start again.
We spent some time decorating our own crosses to remind us that we can turn to God when things are hard.
We played together by showing kindness and working as a team to create different games we could play.
We celebrated our Mission Day in school.
"To work, To pray, To play in the light of the Lord."
We worked together by going on a treasure hunt to find the 16 letters that were hidden around school. We then had to sort the letters to spell out an important phrases.
The letters spelt out 'PERSERVE WITH GOD'.
We prayed together by thinking about when Jesus took up His cross. He did this so he could take away our sins and all our hurt. The cross is a symbol of hope, peace, love, joy and strength. In this time of great pain Jesus took all our hurt away so that we could renew and start again.
We spent some time decorating our own crosses to remind us that we can turn to God when things are hard.
We played together by showing kindness and working as a team to create different games we could play.
We celebrated our Mission Day in school.
"To work, To pray, To play in the light of the Lord."
We worked together by going on a treasure hunt to find the 16 letters that were hidden around school. We then had to sort the letters to spell out an important phrases.
The letters spelt out 'PERSERVE WITH GOD'.
We prayed together by thinking about when Jesus took up His cross. He did this so he could take away our sins and all our hurt. The cross is a symbol of hope, peace, love, joy and strength. In this time of great pain Jesus took all our hurt away so that we could renew and start again.
We spent some time decorating our own crosses to remind us that we can turn to God when things are hard.
We played together by showing kindness and working as a team to create different games we could play.