

How to apply for a place in Reception 2025

Your child will require a primary school place in September 2025 if they were born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021.

Go to and click on the ‘apply for a primary school place’ button    (                            

The online application system will open on 1 November 2024 and your application must be completed before 15 January 2025.

Your place will be confirmed by Leeds City Council, by email, on or around 16th April 2025.  If you have any questions, or would like help with the application process, please don’t hesitate to ask at the school office.

The admissions team can be contacted by email : or Tel: 0113 222 4414

We ask that you complete a SIF (Supplementary Information Form) for our school as part of your application.  This can be emailed into school ( or please come in for a visit to complete the form.

HF Admissions Policy 2019 2020.pdf .pdf
HF Admissions Policy 2020 2021.pdf .pdf
HF Admissions Policy 2022 2023.pdf .pdf
HF Admissions Policy 2023 2024.pdf .pdf
HF Admissions Policy 2024 2025.pdf .pdf
HF Admissions Policy 2025 2026.pdf .pdf
Parish Boundary Map.pdf .pdf



Admissions to Nursery 

It is never too early to register your child on our Nursery waiting list.  If spaces are available, a child will be invited to attend our Nursery in the term after they are three. 

If your child will be three before September  and you are interested in a Nursery place, please come to the school office and  complete a SIF (Supplementary Information Form).

 Parents are welcome to visit the school at any time by appointment. Please contact the school office by email: or call 0113 279 75 72.


Appeals Process


Normal Round

  1. Parents have 20 school days to lodge an appeal from date of notification that their application was unsuccessful.
  2. The Appeal must be heard within 40 school days of deadline for lodging an Appeal i.e. within 60 school days from date of notification of unsuccessful application.
  3. Papers and details such as date, time and venue will be sent to parents at least 10 school days before the Appeal hearing.
  4. Parent can send further evidence to the Clerk to the Appeals Panel before the Appeal takes place but no later than 5 school days before.
  5. Decision letters will be sent to parents within 5 school days following the Appeal.


Late Applications

  1. As above where possible or within 30 school days if the application is later than the timeline above allows. Papers and details such as date, time and venue will be sent to parents at least 10 school days before the Appeal hearing.
  2. Parent can send further evidence to the Clerk to the Appeals Panel before the Appeal takes place but no later than 5 school days before.
  3. Decision letters will be sent to parents within 5 school days following the Appeal.


In Year Applications

  1. Appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged by the parent.
  2. Papers and details such as date, time and venue will be sent to parents at least 10 school days before the Appeal hearing.
  3. Parent can send further evidence to the Clerk to the Appeals Panel before the Appeal takes place but no later than 5 school days before.
  4. Decision letters will be sent to parents within 5 school days following the Appeal.



Appeals submitted after the above deadlines will still be heard as soon as possible but not necessarily within the above timescales.