Year 5 Catholic Life and Mission


Tuesday 4th February - Minute of Hope 

Today, we recorded some minute of hope videos for the Jubilee Year of Hope. Have a listen to what hope means to us and what we hope for this year. 

Tuesday 28th January-Celebrating the Jubilee year of hope 2025

Mrs Rees led a whole school worship this afternoon so that all children in school could see the very special Jubilee logo and hear how special it is. We all had a photograph with it before it continues it's journey onto Christ the King tomorrow.

Remember this is the Jubilee year of HOPE. What can you do to keep hope alive in your homes?


Friday 24th January - Jubilee Year of Hope

As 2025 is the Jubilee Year of Hope, we are being encouraged by the Pope to be 'Pilgrims of Hope'. We had a look at the logo which has been designed for this special time and thought about what we could see, what we thought and what we wondered. 

We then created our own logos for the Year of Hope. We had to explain the meaning behind the images in our logo.

Here are our 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners...

We also created a jar of our hopes for this year and how we can hold onto hope in challenging times. 


Wednesday 22nd January - Year 5 and Year 3 Mass 

Today we celebrated Mass with Year 3.

We loved walking down with our buddies and seeing Father Neil. 

Wednesday 15th January - Class Assembly 

Today we delivered our class assembly all about 'Letting you Light Shine'. We spoke about our experiences on our spiritual retreat and all the amazing things we did whilst we were at Castlerigg. We discussed all the ways we learning how to let that light within us shine to light up our world. 

Have a look at a snippet of our assembly below...

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Wednesday 13th November - Year 5 and Year 1 Mass

Today we visited church to lead Mass and see Father Neil. We walked down to church with our Year 1 buddies.

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Week beginning 20th May 2024


Some of our children have been exploring their faith at home and have brought posters/ information they have researched. Thank you to those children who have shared it with the class! 


Tuesday 26th March 

Today, some of the Mini Vinnies in Year 5, went on a pilgrimage to Ilkley to raise money for Lent. They visited the Stations of the Cross and spent time reflecting on the journey that Jesus went on when He gave up His life for us.

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18th March - Prayer Table and writing at home

Nardos brought in some beautiful flowers for our prayer table today.  


Betty has been doing some work at home by reflecting on God's goodness in the world. 


11th March - Lenten Fundraising 

This week, Year 5 have been doing 'Guess the Name of the teddy' to raise money for our Lenten Fundraising. We have raised £73.43 altogether! 


23rd February - Lent 

Ariam has been taking some time at home to think about what she is most thankful for during Lent. She also created a poster of facts about Lent. 

20th February - KS2 Singing 

We always love coming to singing! 

Have a look at what we have been learning. 

19th February - Lenten Promises

We thought about the different ways we can make changes in Lent.

19th February - Lent Begins 

Betty's Lenten promise is to pray more for different people. Have a look at who she is taking the extra time to pray for this Lent. 


17th January - 'Let your Light Shine' Assembly 

Today we had our class assembly and told everyone about our retreat to Castlerigg. We shared memories of our amazing time on retreat and shared our gifts and talents that God has blessed us with. 

10th-12th January - Castlerigg Retreat

We have had an amazing time in Castlerigg learning how to shine our light brightly. We have played lots of games and taken part in lots of different activities. We spent the retreat thinking about how we can be a light in the darkness and what gifts and talents we have that make us shine!

We know that we have made memories that will stay with us forever. 

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To see more of our residential, click the link below: 

8th December - Class Mass with Year 1

Today we went down to Mass to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and to see Father Neil. 

We walked down with our Year 1 buddies and loved spending time with them.

Our readers lead our Mass beautifully and Miss Wharton was very proud of us all. 

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8th November - Class Assembly 'Remembrance'

Today we shared a very moving assembly all about the importance of Remembrance Day. 

We performed a beautiful Liturgical dance to the song below:


16th October - RESPECT Acrostic Poem 

Meron created a beautiful 'Respect' poem at home to highlight the importance of our class virtue and how we can put our virtue into practice. 


9th October - Respect Prayer

Ariam wrote a beautiful prayer at home linked to our class virtue of respect. 


4th October - Harvest Festival Help

Some children in Year 5 have brought in tins and packets of food to help out with our harvest fundraising!


27th September - Virtue logo designs 'RESPECT'

We have been super excited to design a logo to represent our class virtue. We began by thinking about the things we need to respect and the people we need to show respect too. 

The winner will have their logo made and displayed around school 


19th September - KS2 Singing Practise 

Listen to our beautiful singing voices! Singing makes us feel happy at the start of the day.

15th September - St Vincent de Paul 

Some of our Mini-Vinnies did some extra work at home by researching St Vincent de Paul and finding out about the amazing work he did. 

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12th September - Meet our Mini Vinnies

Today our Year 5 Mini Vinnies pledged to do good deeds and follow in the footsteps of St Vincent de Paul. 


6th September - Class Virtue

We began the afternoon by going on letter hunt to identify our class virtue.

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Our Class virtue is...

We created our very own respect key ring to put on our bag or pencil case!

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How we will grow RESPECT!



10/7/23-Mission Day

Today we joined with Reception Class to celebrate Mission Day. We did a scavenger hunt to search for letters that we turn had to unscramble. They spelled out ‘Persevere with God’. We also played some games with our buddies and had lots of fun. We also decorated some crosses which were later blessed by Father Neil.

20/3/23-RE lesson: The Transforming Spirit

We have read the story of Pentecost in class. We looked at different pieces of famous art based on Pentecost and discussed the symbolism used. We wrote our thoughts down and added them to our RE display in class.

9/3/23 - Year 5 Lenten Walk

Today we went to Roundhay park and walked 3km around the lake to contribute towards the money that has been raised by the whole school for CAFOD.


22/2/23- Ash Wednesday Mass

Year 5 led the whole school, as well as members of the parish, in Ash Wednesday mass. We did readings and bidding prayers and performed a liturgical dance to the song ‘Father I have sinned’. We also supported our buddies from Year 1 during mass.

3/2/23 - Virtues day

Year 5 were given respect as their Virtue for the day. We discussed different ways that we can show respect and how it makes us feel to be respected. We did lots of role play in groups to show each other how to be respectful and we made some beautiful artwork.

23/11/22 - Year 5 & 1 attended Mass with Father Neil at Church. 


Year 5 Catholic Life and Mission


Tuesday 4th February - Minute of Hope 

Today, we recorded some minute of hope videos for the Jubilee Year of Hope. Have a listen to what hope means to us and what we hope for this year. 

Tuesday 28th January-Celebrating the Jubilee year of hope 2025

Mrs Rees led a whole school worship this afternoon so that all children in school could see the very special Jubilee logo and hear how special it is. We all had a photograph with it before it continues it's journey onto Christ the King tomorrow.

Remember this is the Jubilee year of HOPE. What can you do to keep hope alive in your homes?


Friday 24th January - Jubilee Year of Hope

As 2025 is the Jubilee Year of Hope, we are being encouraged by the Pope to be 'Pilgrims of Hope'. We had a look at the logo which has been designed for this special time and thought about what we could see, what we thought and what we wondered. 

We then created our own logos for the Year of Hope. We had to explain the meaning behind the images in our logo.

Here are our 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners...

We also created a jar of our hopes for this year and how we can hold onto hope in challenging times. 


Wednesday 22nd January - Year 5 and Year 3 Mass 

Today we celebrated Mass with Year 3.

We loved walking down with our buddies and seeing Father Neil. 

Wednesday 15th January - Class Assembly 

Today we delivered our class assembly all about 'Letting you Light Shine'. We spoke about our experiences on our spiritual retreat and all the amazing things we did whilst we were at Castlerigg. We discussed all the ways we learning how to let that light within us shine to light up our world. 

Have a look at a snippet of our assembly below...

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Wednesday 13th November - Year 5 and Year 1 Mass

Today we visited church to lead Mass and see Father Neil. We walked down to church with our Year 1 buddies.

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Week beginning 20th May 2024


Some of our children have been exploring their faith at home and have brought posters/ information they have researched. Thank you to those children who have shared it with the class! 


Tuesday 26th March 

Today, some of the Mini Vinnies in Year 5, went on a pilgrimage to Ilkley to raise money for Lent. They visited the Stations of the Cross and spent time reflecting on the journey that Jesus went on when He gave up His life for us.

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18th March - Prayer Table and writing at home

Nardos brought in some beautiful flowers for our prayer table today.  


Betty has been doing some work at home by reflecting on God's goodness in the world. 


11th March - Lenten Fundraising 

This week, Year 5 have been doing 'Guess the Name of the teddy' to raise money for our Lenten Fundraising. We have raised £73.43 altogether! 


23rd February - Lent 

Ariam has been taking some time at home to think about what she is most thankful for during Lent. She also created a poster of facts about Lent. 

20th February - KS2 Singing 

We always love coming to singing! 

Have a look at what we have been learning. 

19th February - Lenten Promises

We thought about the different ways we can make changes in Lent.

19th February - Lent Begins 

Betty's Lenten promise is to pray more for different people. Have a look at who she is taking the extra time to pray for this Lent. 


17th January - 'Let your Light Shine' Assembly 

Today we had our class assembly and told everyone about our retreat to Castlerigg. We shared memories of our amazing time on retreat and shared our gifts and talents that God has blessed us with. 

10th-12th January - Castlerigg Retreat

We have had an amazing time in Castlerigg learning how to shine our light brightly. We have played lots of games and taken part in lots of different activities. We spent the retreat thinking about how we can be a light in the darkness and what gifts and talents we have that make us shine!

We know that we have made memories that will stay with us forever. 

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To see more of our residential, click the link below: 

8th December - Class Mass with Year 1

Today we went down to Mass to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and to see Father Neil. 

We walked down with our Year 1 buddies and loved spending time with them.

Our readers lead our Mass beautifully and Miss Wharton was very proud of us all. 

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8th November - Class Assembly 'Remembrance'

Today we shared a very moving assembly all about the importance of Remembrance Day. 

We performed a beautiful Liturgical dance to the song below:


16th October - RESPECT Acrostic Poem 

Meron created a beautiful 'Respect' poem at home to highlight the importance of our class virtue and how we can put our virtue into practice. 


9th October - Respect Prayer

Ariam wrote a beautiful prayer at home linked to our class virtue of respect. 


4th October - Harvest Festival Help

Some children in Year 5 have brought in tins and packets of food to help out with our harvest fundraising!


27th September - Virtue logo designs 'RESPECT'

We have been super excited to design a logo to represent our class virtue. We began by thinking about the things we need to respect and the people we need to show respect too. 

The winner will have their logo made and displayed around school 


19th September - KS2 Singing Practise 

Listen to our beautiful singing voices! Singing makes us feel happy at the start of the day.

15th September - St Vincent de Paul 

Some of our Mini-Vinnies did some extra work at home by researching St Vincent de Paul and finding out about the amazing work he did. 

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12th September - Meet our Mini Vinnies

Today our Year 5 Mini Vinnies pledged to do good deeds and follow in the footsteps of St Vincent de Paul. 


6th September - Class Virtue

We began the afternoon by going on letter hunt to identify our class virtue.

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Our Class virtue is...

We created our very own respect key ring to put on our bag or pencil case!

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How we will grow RESPECT!



10/7/23-Mission Day

Today we joined with Reception Class to celebrate Mission Day. We did a scavenger hunt to search for letters that we turn had to unscramble. They spelled out ‘Persevere with God’. We also played some games with our buddies and had lots of fun. We also decorated some crosses which were later blessed by Father Neil.

20/3/23-RE lesson: The Transforming Spirit

We have read the story of Pentecost in class. We looked at different pieces of famous art based on Pentecost and discussed the symbolism used. We wrote our thoughts down and added them to our RE display in class.

9/3/23 - Year 5 Lenten Walk

Today we went to Roundhay park and walked 3km around the lake to contribute towards the money that has been raised by the whole school for CAFOD.


22/2/23- Ash Wednesday Mass

Year 5 led the whole school, as well as members of the parish, in Ash Wednesday mass. We did readings and bidding prayers and performed a liturgical dance to the song ‘Father I have sinned’. We also supported our buddies from Year 1 during mass.

3/2/23 - Virtues day

Year 5 were given respect as their Virtue for the day. We discussed different ways that we can show respect and how it makes us feel to be respected. We did lots of role play in groups to show each other how to be respectful and we made some beautiful artwork.

23/11/22 - Year 5 & 1 attended Mass with Father Neil at Church. 


Year 5 Catholic Life and Mission


Tuesday 4th February - Minute of Hope 

Today, we recorded some minute of hope videos for the Jubilee Year of Hope. Have a listen to what hope means to us and what we hope for this year. 

Tuesday 28th January-Celebrating the Jubilee year of hope 2025

Mrs Rees led a whole school worship this afternoon so that all children in school could see the very special Jubilee logo and hear how special it is. We all had a photograph with it before it continues it's journey onto Christ the King tomorrow.

Remember this is the Jubilee year of HOPE. What can you do to keep hope alive in your homes?


Friday 24th January - Jubilee Year of Hope

As 2025 is the Jubilee Year of Hope, we are being encouraged by the Pope to be 'Pilgrims of Hope'. We had a look at the logo which has been designed for this special time and thought about what we could see, what we thought and what we wondered. 

We then created our own logos for the Year of Hope. We had to explain the meaning behind the images in our logo.

Here are our 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners...

We also created a jar of our hopes for this year and how we can hold onto hope in challenging times. 


Wednesday 22nd January - Year 5 and Year 3 Mass 

Today we celebrated Mass with Year 3.

We loved walking down with our buddies and seeing Father Neil. 

Wednesday 15th January - Class Assembly 

Today we delivered our class assembly all about 'Letting you Light Shine'. We spoke about our experiences on our spiritual retreat and all the amazing things we did whilst we were at Castlerigg. We discussed all the ways we learning how to let that light within us shine to light up our world. 

Have a look at a snippet of our assembly below...

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Wednesday 13th November - Year 5 and Year 1 Mass

Today we visited church to lead Mass and see Father Neil. We walked down to church with our Year 1 buddies.

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Week beginning 20th May 2024


Some of our children have been exploring their faith at home and have brought posters/ information they have researched. Thank you to those children who have shared it with the class! 


Tuesday 26th March 

Today, some of the Mini Vinnies in Year 5, went on a pilgrimage to Ilkley to raise money for Lent. They visited the Stations of the Cross and spent time reflecting on the journey that Jesus went on when He gave up His life for us.

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18th March - Prayer Table and writing at home

Nardos brought in some beautiful flowers for our prayer table today.  


Betty has been doing some work at home by reflecting on God's goodness in the world. 


11th March - Lenten Fundraising 

This week, Year 5 have been doing 'Guess the Name of the teddy' to raise money for our Lenten Fundraising. We have raised £73.43 altogether! 


23rd February - Lent 

Ariam has been taking some time at home to think about what she is most thankful for during Lent. She also created a poster of facts about Lent. 

20th February - KS2 Singing 

We always love coming to singing! 

Have a look at what we have been learning. 

19th February - Lenten Promises

We thought about the different ways we can make changes in Lent.

19th February - Lent Begins 

Betty's Lenten promise is to pray more for different people. Have a look at who she is taking the extra time to pray for this Lent. 


17th January - 'Let your Light Shine' Assembly 

Today we had our class assembly and told everyone about our retreat to Castlerigg. We shared memories of our amazing time on retreat and shared our gifts and talents that God has blessed us with. 

10th-12th January - Castlerigg Retreat

We have had an amazing time in Castlerigg learning how to shine our light brightly. We have played lots of games and taken part in lots of different activities. We spent the retreat thinking about how we can be a light in the darkness and what gifts and talents we have that make us shine!

We know that we have made memories that will stay with us forever. 

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To see more of our residential, click the link below: 

8th December - Class Mass with Year 1

Today we went down to Mass to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and to see Father Neil. 

We walked down with our Year 1 buddies and loved spending time with them.

Our readers lead our Mass beautifully and Miss Wharton was very proud of us all. 

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8th November - Class Assembly 'Remembrance'

Today we shared a very moving assembly all about the importance of Remembrance Day. 

We performed a beautiful Liturgical dance to the song below:


16th October - RESPECT Acrostic Poem 

Meron created a beautiful 'Respect' poem at home to highlight the importance of our class virtue and how we can put our virtue into practice. 


9th October - Respect Prayer

Ariam wrote a beautiful prayer at home linked to our class virtue of respect. 


4th October - Harvest Festival Help

Some children in Year 5 have brought in tins and packets of food to help out with our harvest fundraising!


27th September - Virtue logo designs 'RESPECT'

We have been super excited to design a logo to represent our class virtue. We began by thinking about the things we need to respect and the people we need to show respect too. 

The winner will have their logo made and displayed around school 


19th September - KS2 Singing Practise 

Listen to our beautiful singing voices! Singing makes us feel happy at the start of the day.

15th September - St Vincent de Paul 

Some of our Mini-Vinnies did some extra work at home by researching St Vincent de Paul and finding out about the amazing work he did. 

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12th September - Meet our Mini Vinnies

Today our Year 5 Mini Vinnies pledged to do good deeds and follow in the footsteps of St Vincent de Paul. 


6th September - Class Virtue

We began the afternoon by going on letter hunt to identify our class virtue.

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Our Class virtue is...

We created our very own respect key ring to put on our bag or pencil case!

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How we will grow RESPECT!



10/7/23-Mission Day

Today we joined with Reception Class to celebrate Mission Day. We did a scavenger hunt to search for letters that we turn had to unscramble. They spelled out ‘Persevere with God’. We also played some games with our buddies and had lots of fun. We also decorated some crosses which were later blessed by Father Neil.

20/3/23-RE lesson: The Transforming Spirit

We have read the story of Pentecost in class. We looked at different pieces of famous art based on Pentecost and discussed the symbolism used. We wrote our thoughts down and added them to our RE display in class.

9/3/23 - Year 5 Lenten Walk

Today we went to Roundhay park and walked 3km around the lake to contribute towards the money that has been raised by the whole school for CAFOD.


22/2/23- Ash Wednesday Mass

Year 5 led the whole school, as well as members of the parish, in Ash Wednesday mass. We did readings and bidding prayers and performed a liturgical dance to the song ‘Father I have sinned’. We also supported our buddies from Year 1 during mass.

3/2/23 - Virtues day

Year 5 were given respect as their Virtue for the day. We discussed different ways that we can show respect and how it makes us feel to be respected. We did lots of role play in groups to show each other how to be respectful and we made some beautiful artwork.

23/11/22 - Year 5 & 1 attended Mass with Father Neil at Church. 


Year 5 Catholic Life and Mission


Tuesday 4th February - Minute of Hope 

Today, we recorded some minute of hope videos for the Jubilee Year of Hope. Have a listen to what hope means to us and what we hope for this year. 

Tuesday 28th January-Celebrating the Jubilee year of hope 2025

Mrs Rees led a whole school worship this afternoon so that all children in school could see the very special Jubilee logo and hear how special it is. We all had a photograph with it before it continues it's journey onto Christ the King tomorrow.

Remember this is the Jubilee year of HOPE. What can you do to keep hope alive in your homes?


Friday 24th January - Jubilee Year of Hope

As 2025 is the Jubilee Year of Hope, we are being encouraged by the Pope to be 'Pilgrims of Hope'. We had a look at the logo which has been designed for this special time and thought about what we could see, what we thought and what we wondered. 

We then created our own logos for the Year of Hope. We had to explain the meaning behind the images in our logo.

Here are our 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners...

We also created a jar of our hopes for this year and how we can hold onto hope in challenging times. 


Wednesday 22nd January - Year 5 and Year 3 Mass 

Today we celebrated Mass with Year 3.

We loved walking down with our buddies and seeing Father Neil. 

Wednesday 15th January - Class Assembly 

Today we delivered our class assembly all about 'Letting you Light Shine'. We spoke about our experiences on our spiritual retreat and all the amazing things we did whilst we were at Castlerigg. We discussed all the ways we learning how to let that light within us shine to light up our world. 

Have a look at a snippet of our assembly below...

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Wednesday 13th November - Year 5 and Year 1 Mass

Today we visited church to lead Mass and see Father Neil. We walked down to church with our Year 1 buddies.

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Week beginning 20th May 2024


Some of our children have been exploring their faith at home and have brought posters/ information they have researched. Thank you to those children who have shared it with the class! 


Tuesday 26th March 

Today, some of the Mini Vinnies in Year 5, went on a pilgrimage to Ilkley to raise money for Lent. They visited the Stations of the Cross and spent time reflecting on the journey that Jesus went on when He gave up His life for us.

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18th March - Prayer Table and writing at home

Nardos brought in some beautiful flowers for our prayer table today.  


Betty has been doing some work at home by reflecting on God's goodness in the world. 


11th March - Lenten Fundraising 

This week, Year 5 have been doing 'Guess the Name of the teddy' to raise money for our Lenten Fundraising. We have raised £73.43 altogether! 


23rd February - Lent 

Ariam has been taking some time at home to think about what she is most thankful for during Lent. She also created a poster of facts about Lent. 

20th February - KS2 Singing 

We always love coming to singing! 

Have a look at what we have been learning. 

19th February - Lenten Promises

We thought about the different ways we can make changes in Lent.

19th February - Lent Begins 

Betty's Lenten promise is to pray more for different people. Have a look at who she is taking the extra time to pray for this Lent. 


17th January - 'Let your Light Shine' Assembly 

Today we had our class assembly and told everyone about our retreat to Castlerigg. We shared memories of our amazing time on retreat and shared our gifts and talents that God has blessed us with. 

10th-12th January - Castlerigg Retreat

We have had an amazing time in Castlerigg learning how to shine our light brightly. We have played lots of games and taken part in lots of different activities. We spent the retreat thinking about how we can be a light in the darkness and what gifts and talents we have that make us shine!

We know that we have made memories that will stay with us forever. 

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To see more of our residential, click the link below: 

8th December - Class Mass with Year 1

Today we went down to Mass to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and to see Father Neil. 

We walked down with our Year 1 buddies and loved spending time with them.

Our readers lead our Mass beautifully and Miss Wharton was very proud of us all. 

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8th November - Class Assembly 'Remembrance'

Today we shared a very moving assembly all about the importance of Remembrance Day. 

We performed a beautiful Liturgical dance to the song below:


16th October - RESPECT Acrostic Poem 

Meron created a beautiful 'Respect' poem at home to highlight the importance of our class virtue and how we can put our virtue into practice. 


9th October - Respect Prayer

Ariam wrote a beautiful prayer at home linked to our class virtue of respect. 


4th October - Harvest Festival Help

Some children in Year 5 have brought in tins and packets of food to help out with our harvest fundraising!


27th September - Virtue logo designs 'RESPECT'

We have been super excited to design a logo to represent our class virtue. We began by thinking about the things we need to respect and the people we need to show respect too. 

The winner will have their logo made and displayed around school 


19th September - KS2 Singing Practise 

Listen to our beautiful singing voices! Singing makes us feel happy at the start of the day.

15th September - St Vincent de Paul 

Some of our Mini-Vinnies did some extra work at home by researching St Vincent de Paul and finding out about the amazing work he did. 

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12th September - Meet our Mini Vinnies

Today our Year 5 Mini Vinnies pledged to do good deeds and follow in the footsteps of St Vincent de Paul. 


6th September - Class Virtue

We began the afternoon by going on letter hunt to identify our class virtue.

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Our Class virtue is...

We created our very own respect key ring to put on our bag or pencil case!

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How we will grow RESPECT!



10/7/23-Mission Day

Today we joined with Reception Class to celebrate Mission Day. We did a scavenger hunt to search for letters that we turn had to unscramble. They spelled out ‘Persevere with God’. We also played some games with our buddies and had lots of fun. We also decorated some crosses which were later blessed by Father Neil.

20/3/23-RE lesson: The Transforming Spirit

We have read the story of Pentecost in class. We looked at different pieces of famous art based on Pentecost and discussed the symbolism used. We wrote our thoughts down and added them to our RE display in class.

9/3/23 - Year 5 Lenten Walk

Today we went to Roundhay park and walked 3km around the lake to contribute towards the money that has been raised by the whole school for CAFOD.


22/2/23- Ash Wednesday Mass

Year 5 led the whole school, as well as members of the parish, in Ash Wednesday mass. We did readings and bidding prayers and performed a liturgical dance to the song ‘Father I have sinned’. We also supported our buddies from Year 1 during mass.

3/2/23 - Virtues day

Year 5 were given respect as their Virtue for the day. We discussed different ways that we can show respect and how it makes us feel to be respected. We did lots of role play in groups to show each other how to be respectful and we made some beautiful artwork.

23/11/22 - Year 5 & 1 attended Mass with Father Neil at Church.