
Uniform can be purchased from many shops such as M&S, Next and most supermarkets like ASDA and Tesco.  You can also contact our School Office if you need any help with uniform or want to order items with a school badge on (Please be aware that uniform does not need to have the school badge on at all!)




Grey trousers/shorts

Sky blue polo shirt/shirt

Navy blue V neck/round neck sweater/jumper

Grey or white  socks and plain black shoes

Grey pinafore/skirt/trousers/shorts

Sky blue polo shirt/shirt

Navy blue V neck/round neck sweater/jumper OR cardigan

White or grey tights and white or grey plain socks and plain black shoes

All clothing should be labelled with the child's name. Jewellery and rings are not considered suitable, although stud earrings may be worn. Dyed hair, hair extensions and shaved designs in hair are not permitted. 

For PE Navy blue shorts and a white T shirt.

Trainers are required for outdoor PE.

Tracksuits and other warm clothes may be worn over the PE kit for outdoor PE in cold weather.

For swimming lessons, boys should wear trunks that do not reach below the knee. Girls should wear swimming costumes (bikinis are not appropriate). Long hair must be tied up when swimming.