School Council


Welcome to our School Council page. We are looking forward to having a successful year, working hard on lots of different projects across school and representing the viewpoints of our classmates. Please check in regularly to get an update of what we have been up to!

Our school councilors were awarded badges to wear on their uniform and a certificate to congratulate them on being chosen.

Each year group was then given a notepad which they can use to collect pupil voice and to jot down ideas during meetings.

Our school council meet 1-2 times a term and discuss any matters or issues which may affect the children and their learning that have been brought up in class discussions or as anonymous suggestions. 

The council comprises of 2 children from each class who nominated their self and presented a speech to their class explaining why they should be chosen as a school council member. 

Leeds Central West Youth Summit 2024

15th November 2024

On Friday, some of our school councilors represented our local area at the Youth Summit. Children received feedback from our school on what we like about our area and also what could be improved with investment. We discussed local issues about Leeds for children, and also had a private tour of some of the chambers of the democratic system within Leeds. Thank you to Councilor Andy Pamham and Councilor Hannah Bithell. 

Parliament Trip

Monday 13th January

Our School Councilors were lucky enough to visit London with children from St. Philips Catholic School. 

The children had a wonderful time exploring the rules of Parliament with a guided tour, how Parliament was founded and what powers it has now.

While there, children also enjoyed some sight seeing of famous places of the Capital, including Elizabeth Tower, Oxford Street, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, and many more!  


We had a wonderful time and it has inspired us with our duty in school!