Tuesday 28th January-celebrating the Jubilee year of hope 2025
Mrs Rees led a whole school worship this afternoon so that all children in school could see the very special Jubilee logo and hear how special it is. We all had a photograph with it before it continues it's journey onto Christ the King tomorrow.
Remember this is the Jubilee year of HOPE. What can you do to keep hope alive in your homes?
Monday 2nd December- Advent
As we have started the time of Advent, in year 1 we have changed our cloth on our prayer table from green to purple to symbolise this special time.
Thomas- ‘The cloth is purple to show we are waiting for Jesus to be born’.
In RE, Year 1 have been looking at God’s love. We discussed how we know God loves us, and what we love about God. Then we represented other things we love in God’s world.
Class Virtue
Year 1’s class virtue is ‘Thankfulness’, we decorated leaves and said what we were thankful for. We then created a Thankfulness tree using our leaves.
11th October 2024- Harvest Food Collection.
Year 1 have been donating food for Harvest. All the food that has been collected will go to support a local food bank.
10th April 2024 - Year 1 Assembly.
Our Other Faith in Year 1 is Islam. Our Class Assembly was all about the celebration of Eid and what happens during Ramadan. We found connections that linked with our Christian faith where we raised money during lent.
Holy Week - Monday 25th March - Thursday 28th March 2024
During Holy Week, we visited the stations of the cross. We went to station 12 where Jesus died on the cross. We read a scripture and reflected on how we can ask Jesus to help our hearts be like his and to reflect on the journey he took during Holy Week.
Monday 26th February - Friday 1st March 2024 - Year 1 and 2 Lent Fundraising event.
Over this week Year 1 and 2 have been hosting a bingo session where the children come and choose numbers from 1-100 and the first one to get 9 numbers is the winner. This game helps us with our maths skills and shows praise for the children that win and resilience towards the game too.
24th January 2024 - Year 1 Assembly on Thankfulness.
Today we did our class assembly on our virtue to Thankfulness. We drew pictures and spoke about what we are thankful for and performed a dance to the song around 'God's Creation'.
We went down to Church today to celebrate Mass with Father Neil. We walked down with our Year 5 buddies and we loved spending time with them and Father Neil.
Year 1’s class virtue is ‘ Thankfulness’, we decorated key rings to put on our book bags so we can always remember to be thankful!
This Week in Year 1 some of our children helped to dress the class altar.
The children worked together to dress the altar talking about what they were placing on the altar and why, The children then had a discussion about what God created in the world.
“God made the mammals” Matthias
“God made all the plants, the world is beautiful” Elim
“God is really special, We light the candle to show God is the light of the world.” Alfie.S
“God created everything, he is amazing!” Maya
This morning at Holy Family we held a coffee morning to help raise money for MacMillan Cancer, the children helped support the coffee morning by either baking a cake or donating cakes to sell.
It was a lovely morning where everyone gathered together in the school hall and enjoyed lots of delicious cakes, hot drinks and juice while raising over £200 to donate to MacMillan.
To celebrate the beginning of term and a new school year we had a virtue day in Year 1. We looked at our class virtue 'Thankfulness' and thought about what we were thankful for. We made some art work to show this.
Year 1 enjoyed celebrating with our older generation from Christ the King and Holy Family Parish. We enjoyed taking part in lots of craft activities and watching performances from our school choir and dance group. We then ended with a delicious afternoon tea.
On Monday 10th July we had our mission day at Holy Family. We learnt and lived our statement 'To work, to pray and to play in the light of the Lord'. We worked together with another year group to solve clues that held messages of love. We prayed as we thought about the cross and what it represents and means to us and here are some pictures of us playing games with the Year 4 class!
Year 1 have been celebrating Shrove Tuesday today . We used plain flour , eggs and milk to make pancakes and talked about how people clear out these foods from their cupboards to make yummy pancakes to prepare for the 40 day fasting season of lent . We had chocolate spread on ours. They were delicious .
Year 1 had a lovely morning today for our Lenten walk at Yeadon Tarn. We took oranges for our snack and sat on the benches , saw lots of swans and even saw some very close aeroplanes . No one had packed their passports though so we made our way back to school after a beautiful morning in the sunshine .
Some children in Year 1 brought money in to buy delicious buns and biscuits at break times last week . Years 3 and 4 organised a bun sale for our Lenten fundraising. Year 1 staff made sure they also had lots of change in their pockets each day .
Tuesday 28th January-celebrating the Jubilee year of hope 2025
Mrs Rees led a whole school worship this afternoon so that all children in school could see the very special Jubilee logo and hear how special it is. We all had a photograph with it before it continues it's journey onto Christ the King tomorrow.
Remember this is the Jubilee year of HOPE. What can you do to keep hope alive in your homes?
Monday 2nd December- Advent
As we have started the time of Advent, in year 1 we have changed our cloth on our prayer table from green to purple to symbolise this special time.
Thomas- ‘The cloth is purple to show we are waiting for Jesus to be born’.
In RE, Year 1 have been looking at God’s love. We discussed how we know God loves us, and what we love about God. Then we represented other things we love in God’s world.
Class Virtue
Year 1’s class virtue is ‘Thankfulness’, we decorated leaves and said what we were thankful for. We then created a Thankfulness tree using our leaves.
11th October 2024- Harvest Food Collection.
Year 1 have been donating food for Harvest. All the food that has been collected will go to support a local food bank.
10th April 2024 - Year 1 Assembly.
Our Other Faith in Year 1 is Islam. Our Class Assembly was all about the celebration of Eid and what happens during Ramadan. We found connections that linked with our Christian faith where we raised money during lent.
Holy Week - Monday 25th March - Thursday 28th March 2024
During Holy Week, we visited the stations of the cross. We went to station 12 where Jesus died on the cross. We read a scripture and reflected on how we can ask Jesus to help our hearts be like his and to reflect on the journey he took during Holy Week.
Monday 26th February - Friday 1st March 2024 - Year 1 and 2 Lent Fundraising event.
Over this week Year 1 and 2 have been hosting a bingo session where the children come and choose numbers from 1-100 and the first one to get 9 numbers is the winner. This game helps us with our maths skills and shows praise for the children that win and resilience towards the game too.
24th January 2024 - Year 1 Assembly on Thankfulness.
Today we did our class assembly on our virtue to Thankfulness. We drew pictures and spoke about what we are thankful for and performed a dance to the song around 'God's Creation'.
We went down to Church today to celebrate Mass with Father Neil. We walked down with our Year 5 buddies and we loved spending time with them and Father Neil.
Year 1’s class virtue is ‘ Thankfulness’, we decorated key rings to put on our book bags so we can always remember to be thankful!
This Week in Year 1 some of our children helped to dress the class altar.
The children worked together to dress the altar talking about what they were placing on the altar and why, The children then had a discussion about what God created in the world.
“God made the mammals” Matthias
“God made all the plants, the world is beautiful” Elim
“God is really special, We light the candle to show God is the light of the world.” Alfie.S
“God created everything, he is amazing!” Maya
This morning at Holy Family we held a coffee morning to help raise money for MacMillan Cancer, the children helped support the coffee morning by either baking a cake or donating cakes to sell.
It was a lovely morning where everyone gathered together in the school hall and enjoyed lots of delicious cakes, hot drinks and juice while raising over £200 to donate to MacMillan.
To celebrate the beginning of term and a new school year we had a virtue day in Year 1. We looked at our class virtue 'Thankfulness' and thought about what we were thankful for. We made some art work to show this.
Year 1 enjoyed celebrating with our older generation from Christ the King and Holy Family Parish. We enjoyed taking part in lots of craft activities and watching performances from our school choir and dance group. We then ended with a delicious afternoon tea.
On Monday 10th July we had our mission day at Holy Family. We learnt and lived our statement 'To work, to pray and to play in the light of the Lord'. We worked together with another year group to solve clues that held messages of love. We prayed as we thought about the cross and what it represents and means to us and here are some pictures of us playing games with the Year 4 class!
Year 1 have been celebrating Shrove Tuesday today . We used plain flour , eggs and milk to make pancakes and talked about how people clear out these foods from their cupboards to make yummy pancakes to prepare for the 40 day fasting season of lent . We had chocolate spread on ours. They were delicious .
Year 1 had a lovely morning today for our Lenten walk at Yeadon Tarn. We took oranges for our snack and sat on the benches , saw lots of swans and even saw some very close aeroplanes . No one had packed their passports though so we made our way back to school after a beautiful morning in the sunshine .
Some children in Year 1 brought money in to buy delicious buns and biscuits at break times last week . Years 3 and 4 organised a bun sale for our Lenten fundraising. Year 1 staff made sure they also had lots of change in their pockets each day .
Tuesday 28th January-celebrating the Jubilee year of hope 2025
Mrs Rees led a whole school worship this afternoon so that all children in school could see the very special Jubilee logo and hear how special it is. We all had a photograph with it before it continues it's journey onto Christ the King tomorrow.
Remember this is the Jubilee year of HOPE. What can you do to keep hope alive in your homes?
Monday 2nd December- Advent
As we have started the time of Advent, in year 1 we have changed our cloth on our prayer table from green to purple to symbolise this special time.
Thomas- ‘The cloth is purple to show we are waiting for Jesus to be born’.
In RE, Year 1 have been looking at God’s love. We discussed how we know God loves us, and what we love about God. Then we represented other things we love in God’s world.
Class Virtue
Year 1’s class virtue is ‘Thankfulness’, we decorated leaves and said what we were thankful for. We then created a Thankfulness tree using our leaves.
11th October 2024- Harvest Food Collection.
Year 1 have been donating food for Harvest. All the food that has been collected will go to support a local food bank.
10th April 2024 - Year 1 Assembly.
Our Other Faith in Year 1 is Islam. Our Class Assembly was all about the celebration of Eid and what happens during Ramadan. We found connections that linked with our Christian faith where we raised money during lent.
Holy Week - Monday 25th March - Thursday 28th March 2024
During Holy Week, we visited the stations of the cross. We went to station 12 where Jesus died on the cross. We read a scripture and reflected on how we can ask Jesus to help our hearts be like his and to reflect on the journey he took during Holy Week.
Monday 26th February - Friday 1st March 2024 - Year 1 and 2 Lent Fundraising event.
Over this week Year 1 and 2 have been hosting a bingo session where the children come and choose numbers from 1-100 and the first one to get 9 numbers is the winner. This game helps us with our maths skills and shows praise for the children that win and resilience towards the game too.
24th January 2024 - Year 1 Assembly on Thankfulness.
Today we did our class assembly on our virtue to Thankfulness. We drew pictures and spoke about what we are thankful for and performed a dance to the song around 'God's Creation'.
We went down to Church today to celebrate Mass with Father Neil. We walked down with our Year 5 buddies and we loved spending time with them and Father Neil.
Year 1’s class virtue is ‘ Thankfulness’, we decorated key rings to put on our book bags so we can always remember to be thankful!
This Week in Year 1 some of our children helped to dress the class altar.
The children worked together to dress the altar talking about what they were placing on the altar and why, The children then had a discussion about what God created in the world.
“God made the mammals” Matthias
“God made all the plants, the world is beautiful” Elim
“God is really special, We light the candle to show God is the light of the world.” Alfie.S
“God created everything, he is amazing!” Maya
This morning at Holy Family we held a coffee morning to help raise money for MacMillan Cancer, the children helped support the coffee morning by either baking a cake or donating cakes to sell.
It was a lovely morning where everyone gathered together in the school hall and enjoyed lots of delicious cakes, hot drinks and juice while raising over £200 to donate to MacMillan.
To celebrate the beginning of term and a new school year we had a virtue day in Year 1. We looked at our class virtue 'Thankfulness' and thought about what we were thankful for. We made some art work to show this.
Year 1 enjoyed celebrating with our older generation from Christ the King and Holy Family Parish. We enjoyed taking part in lots of craft activities and watching performances from our school choir and dance group. We then ended with a delicious afternoon tea.
On Monday 10th July we had our mission day at Holy Family. We learnt and lived our statement 'To work, to pray and to play in the light of the Lord'. We worked together with another year group to solve clues that held messages of love. We prayed as we thought about the cross and what it represents and means to us and here are some pictures of us playing games with the Year 4 class!
Year 1 have been celebrating Shrove Tuesday today . We used plain flour , eggs and milk to make pancakes and talked about how people clear out these foods from their cupboards to make yummy pancakes to prepare for the 40 day fasting season of lent . We had chocolate spread on ours. They were delicious .
Year 1 had a lovely morning today for our Lenten walk at Yeadon Tarn. We took oranges for our snack and sat on the benches , saw lots of swans and even saw some very close aeroplanes . No one had packed their passports though so we made our way back to school after a beautiful morning in the sunshine .
Some children in Year 1 brought money in to buy delicious buns and biscuits at break times last week . Years 3 and 4 organised a bun sale for our Lenten fundraising. Year 1 staff made sure they also had lots of change in their pockets each day .
Tuesday 28th January-celebrating the Jubilee year of hope 2025
Mrs Rees led a whole school worship this afternoon so that all children in school could see the very special Jubilee logo and hear how special it is. We all had a photograph with it before it continues it's journey onto Christ the King tomorrow.
Remember this is the Jubilee year of HOPE. What can you do to keep hope alive in your homes?
Monday 2nd December- Advent
As we have started the time of Advent, in year 1 we have changed our cloth on our prayer table from green to purple to symbolise this special time.
Thomas- ‘The cloth is purple to show we are waiting for Jesus to be born’.
In RE, Year 1 have been looking at God’s love. We discussed how we know God loves us, and what we love about God. Then we represented other things we love in God’s world.
Class Virtue
Year 1’s class virtue is ‘Thankfulness’, we decorated leaves and said what we were thankful for. We then created a Thankfulness tree using our leaves.
11th October 2024- Harvest Food Collection.
Year 1 have been donating food for Harvest. All the food that has been collected will go to support a local food bank.
10th April 2024 - Year 1 Assembly.
Our Other Faith in Year 1 is Islam. Our Class Assembly was all about the celebration of Eid and what happens during Ramadan. We found connections that linked with our Christian faith where we raised money during lent.
Holy Week - Monday 25th March - Thursday 28th March 2024
During Holy Week, we visited the stations of the cross. We went to station 12 where Jesus died on the cross. We read a scripture and reflected on how we can ask Jesus to help our hearts be like his and to reflect on the journey he took during Holy Week.
Monday 26th February - Friday 1st March 2024 - Year 1 and 2 Lent Fundraising event.
Over this week Year 1 and 2 have been hosting a bingo session where the children come and choose numbers from 1-100 and the first one to get 9 numbers is the winner. This game helps us with our maths skills and shows praise for the children that win and resilience towards the game too.
24th January 2024 - Year 1 Assembly on Thankfulness.
Today we did our class assembly on our virtue to Thankfulness. We drew pictures and spoke about what we are thankful for and performed a dance to the song around 'God's Creation'.
We went down to Church today to celebrate Mass with Father Neil. We walked down with our Year 5 buddies and we loved spending time with them and Father Neil.
Year 1’s class virtue is ‘ Thankfulness’, we decorated key rings to put on our book bags so we can always remember to be thankful!
This Week in Year 1 some of our children helped to dress the class altar.
The children worked together to dress the altar talking about what they were placing on the altar and why, The children then had a discussion about what God created in the world.
“God made the mammals” Matthias
“God made all the plants, the world is beautiful” Elim
“God is really special, We light the candle to show God is the light of the world.” Alfie.S
“God created everything, he is amazing!” Maya
This morning at Holy Family we held a coffee morning to help raise money for MacMillan Cancer, the children helped support the coffee morning by either baking a cake or donating cakes to sell.
It was a lovely morning where everyone gathered together in the school hall and enjoyed lots of delicious cakes, hot drinks and juice while raising over £200 to donate to MacMillan.
To celebrate the beginning of term and a new school year we had a virtue day in Year 1. We looked at our class virtue 'Thankfulness' and thought about what we were thankful for. We made some art work to show this.
Year 1 enjoyed celebrating with our older generation from Christ the King and Holy Family Parish. We enjoyed taking part in lots of craft activities and watching performances from our school choir and dance group. We then ended with a delicious afternoon tea.
On Monday 10th July we had our mission day at Holy Family. We learnt and lived our statement 'To work, to pray and to play in the light of the Lord'. We worked together with another year group to solve clues that held messages of love. We prayed as we thought about the cross and what it represents and means to us and here are some pictures of us playing games with the Year 4 class!
Year 1 have been celebrating Shrove Tuesday today . We used plain flour , eggs and milk to make pancakes and talked about how people clear out these foods from their cupboards to make yummy pancakes to prepare for the 40 day fasting season of lent . We had chocolate spread on ours. They were delicious .
Year 1 had a lovely morning today for our Lenten walk at Yeadon Tarn. We took oranges for our snack and sat on the benches , saw lots of swans and even saw some very close aeroplanes . No one had packed their passports though so we made our way back to school after a beautiful morning in the sunshine .
Some children in Year 1 brought money in to buy delicious buns and biscuits at break times last week . Years 3 and 4 organised a bun sale for our Lenten fundraising. Year 1 staff made sure they also had lots of change in their pockets each day .