Year 4 Catholic Life and Mission
Tuesday 28th January-celebrating the Jubilee year of hope 2025
Mrs Rees led a whole school worship this afternoon so that all children in school could see the very special Jubilee logo and hear how special it is. We all had a photograph with it before it continues it's journey onto Christ the King tomorrow.
Remember this is the Jubilee year of HOPE. What can you do to keep hope alive in your homes?
Jubilee Year of Hope
On Jubilee Launch Day, our Year 4 class celebrated the beginning of the Jubilee Year of Hope, with a special focus on being “Pilgrims of Hope.” We started by looking closely at the logo for the year, exploring the meaning behind its various symbols and how they represent our journey of faith and hope. It was fascinating to discover what each part of the logo stood for and how it connects to the message of hope for 2025.
We then took some time to think about our own hopes for the year. In class discussions, we talked about the importance of love and how love brings us happiness and joy. We shared thoughts on how we can show love to others and how love can help us stay hopeful even during difficult times.
Next, we expressed our ideas through art, creating pieces that show how love brings happiness. This activity allowed us to reflect on how our actions and feelings of love can inspire hope in ourselves and others. To end the day, we made our very own “Hope Jars.” Each student wrote down their hopes and placed them in the jar, a reminder to hold onto hope, especially in challenging times. The launch day was a meaningful way for our class to begin this special year, focused on spreading hope and love in everything we do.
Zuzanna R delivering a beautiful worship on Love. She prepared and delivered her worship independently. She did a brilliant job and made us so proud.
Tuesday 3rd December- Pupil led worship
Divine prepared and delivered his first class worship with the help of a year 5 pupil all about Hope. He did a great job. We were really proud of him.
Monday 2nd December -Advent
Zuzanna and Divine prepared our class altar for the season of advent. They did a great job!
27th November 2024- Advent assembly.
This morning we delivered our first assembly all about Advent.
Through our words and song we reminded everyone how important it is that we remember who it is we are really preparing for during Advent, by remembering the story of Mary and Joseph as they prepared for the birth of Jesus
Harvest Festival
Following our whole school worship about the Bible story of the miracle that Jesus performed when he fed the 5000 people, children in year 4 have been bringing food items into school. These will be donated to the Leeds Homeless Street Aid which will help families who are struggling to afford food for their families, just like those mentioned in the Bible story.
This demonstrates the virtues of kindness and generosity.
Year 4’s Class Virtue- FAITH
To show our class virtue of Faith, the children decorated hands explaining what faith means to them. We put the hands on our class door.
11th May- First Holy Communion
We want to say a huge congratulations to all our children in Year 4 who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday. It was a beautiful mass and the children were all very brave and looked amazing!
1st May - May Procession
Miss Wharton and Mrs Archdale want to say a big thank you to all our families who generously bought flowers for our May Procession.
30th April Diocesan Choir
We have two new singing superstars this week. Mr. Tilling was especially impressed with these girls today.
Prayer Card
Montana brought in a beautiful prayer card for our class prayer table from when she visited St Winefride's Well in Wales. We love how the prayer incorporates our school mission statement of working, playing and praying together.
Resurrection Rocks
Today, Year 4 performed a very thought-provoking performance to retell the events of Holy Week leading up to Good Friday. They did an amazing job!
Lenten Fundraising
Year 3 and 4 are selling buns this week to help raise money for our Lenten Fundraising.
Station Five
We visited Station Five and reflected on how Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus and how we can help others.
Stations of the Cross
We visited the first four stations and thought about how Jesus felt and what he might have said. We spent a moment with Jesus and God.
Those who are first will be last...
Mason was thinking of others today and said he was doing his Advent promise by putting other people first. Even though he was near the front of the line he stood and waited for his friends to go into class first.
Getting Ready for Advent
Our class Chaplaincy Team Members prepared the altar in our class for the season of Advent and did a great job.
Caring for our world
Lola spent her break picking up litter in the playground and said that she was doing it to keep God's world tidy. Thank you Lola!
Our class assembly
From our lessons about the Bible we noticed that there were lots of parables in St. Luke's Gospel. As it was his feast day on the 18th October we created an assembly to show how important St. Luke was.
Congratulations to this week's singing superstars! Our singing teacher from the Diocese of Leeds Music Programme was especially impressed with the efforts of these children today.
Looking after God’s world.
The girls asked if they could do some weeding around our stones so that they were clear for everyone to see.
As a class we were talking about the importance of good attendance and how sometimes we may have to come to school when we are not feeling up to it. A lovely comment was made by a child in class, "God gives his toughest challenges to his strongest warriors."
After our Wednesday Worship at break, Mr. Biedka was kindly offered a crisp with the comment, “Have a crisp because our mission was to share food with others and for people in need.”
Some children spent some time in our reflection corner today thinking about the class virtue and the story of Abraham.
Our class virtue is Faith
We learnt lots about our class virtue and created key rings to remind us of it every day.
Monday 10th July - Mission Day
After assembly this morning with Mr Biedka, Year 4 thought about our mission ‘To work, to pray, to play in the Light of the Lord’ and spent some time playing with the younger ones in our school. They also spent time praying to God and thinking about ways that they could work together.
Wednesday 24th May - Good Shepherd
Year 4 were very proud to be asked to sing at Leeds Cathedral during the Good Shepherd service led by Bishop Marcus Stock.
Monday 17th April - Resurrection Rocks
Today, year 3 and 4 performed Resurrection Rocks to the school and to their parents to retell the Easter story.
Monday 20th March - Lenten Walk
Today, Year 4 did their Lenten walk around Golden Acre Park and learnt about some of the different species that live in the park.
Wednesday 8th March - Mass
Today year 3 and 4 went to church to celebrate mass with Father Neil. Some of the year 4 children lead the mass through readings and bidding prayers.
Monday 27th February
Today we visited the 5th Station of the Cross. When Jesus felt burdened, his friend Simon of Cyrene helped him carry his cross. We thought about ways that we have shown friendship like Simon of Cyrene and how we have helped others carry their cross.
Monday 6th February - Virtues Day
At Holy Family we had virtues day where the whole school celebrated and learnt about the different virtues. Year 4 have the virtue faith and were asked to write down what faith meant to them.
1st February - Queen Elizabeth
Year 4 learnt about the sad passing of Queen Elizabeth and responded by writing lovely things about the Queen and writing prayers for our queen in heaven.
7th December - Year 4 and Year 2
Someone very naughty joined us at Church today!