Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1
During Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, all leadership, however small, will lay the foundations for leading on a larger scale in Key Stage 2.
The expectation for these younger children is that all of the following will relate to their own class and class prayer time.
Lower Key Stage 2 (Year 3 and Year 4)
The children, through their involvement in prayer and acts of liturgy in the lower key stages, will now have some experience of the things that leaders of liturgical prayer need to do.
During years three and four, the children will build on this and, by the end of year 4, should be able to plan and lead a liturgy or prayer time for their own class.
Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and Year 6)
As children approach the end of their primary school life, they will be well equipped to start planning and leading liturgical prayer on a wider scale.
They should be able to choose all the elements that are appropriate to different acts of liturgical prayer and put them together to create worship for children other than their classmates.