Stations of the Cross


During Lent, every Wednesday morning (8:30am), we will be meeting together as a school to visit the Stations of the Cross. 

The stations are places where we take time to think about Jesus as he went to die on the cross for us. They show us how much Jesus loved us. 

It would be lovely if you and your family could join us each morning.

Stations of the cross 1 - image 0
Stations of the cross 1 - image 1
Stations of the cross 1 - image 2
Stations of the cross 3 - image 0
Stations of the cross 3 - image 1

Our Year 6 children went on a pilgrimage and visited each of the Stations of

the Cross as a class:

Stations of the cross 2 - image 0
Stations of the cross 2 - image 1
Stations of the cross 2 - image 2
Stations of the cross 2 - image 3


Below is a copy of our Stations of the Cross visits each morning during Lent:
