In Year 5, we have Miss Wharton, Mrs Archdale and Mrs McHale.
We can't wait to show you all the amazing things we are learning about this year. We hope that you visit us regularly to keep up to date with all the fun we are having in our class.
21st March - Ancient Egypt Day
We had an amazing Egyptian day. Check out our activties and our amazing costumes!
10th-14th March - British Science Week
We have become scientists for the week and taken part in lots of science experiments. We conducted the cabbage experiment to test whether different substances to see whether they were an acid or an alkali. Check out our amazing posters below!
We completed posters on two famous scientists who invented the post-it-note - Spencer Silver and Arthur Fry!
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
Check out our amazing costumes!
We had a fantastic day completing lots of 'book themed' quizzes and in the afternoon, we got to read with our Year 1 buddies!
Wednesday 29th January - Science
This afternoon, we studied the movement of the Earth, Moon and other planets in our Solar System. We modelled the movement of the Earth, Sun and Moon and considered where they are in the solar system and how long they take to orbit the Sun.
Wednesday 29th January - Ryan Hall visit
Today, we had a visit from Leeds Rhino's legend Ryan Hall. We were lucky enough to ask him lots of questions about his rugby career and what inspired him.
Wednesday 8th - Friday 10th January - Castlerigg Manor Retreat
Last week, we were lucky enough to visit Castlerigg Manor for a spiritual retreat. We spent time reflecting on how we could shine our light to make our world a better place.
Not only did we deepen our relationship with God, we grew closer as friends.
Friday 20th December - Music with Mr Rowe
We always love our session with Mr Rowe. Can you guess what song we are playing?
Tuesday 17th December - Christmas Pyjamas and Board game day!
We had an amazing day playing our board games and wearing our comfortable pyjamas.
Monday 16th December - Christmas treasure hunt!
This afternoon, we headed down to Jailey Field to take part in a Christmas themed treasure hunt. We had lots of fun and ended with a hot chocolate and a goody bag too!
Design and Technology - Textiles 13.12.24
We designed a stuff toy, creating a simple template and selecting materials. We joined our fabric with a decorative blanket stitch and added details and appendages.
A visit to Santa’s Grotto
Tuesday 10th December
This morning, we had Blue Watch visit Year 5 and Year 6 to talk about fire prevention.
Blue watch are part of a four-strong team who rotate their shifts so there’s always a team at the fire station ready to respond to any incoming emergencies.
The fire brigade don’t only get called out to fires. They also attend: road traffic collisions to pull and cut metal to free people trapped in vehicles, large animal rescues such as cows and horses, water rescues from the River Aire or the canal, general rescues (from lifts, park swings etc) and hazardous material removal/disposal.
If you discover a fire, you should:
You must:
Cannon Hall Museum - WW2 Trip - 09.12.24
We had an amazing time at Cannon Hall Museum today. We spent the day doing a range of activities: making carrot biscuits, learning about how food was rationed, playing some WW2 games, morse code and darning a sock. We had a brilliant day!
Decoration Day - French 02.12.24
In our French lesson today, we also made decoration and learned a lot about Christmas in France.
Decoration Day! 02.12.24
We had so much fun today, preparing for Christmas by making our very own class decorations!
Physical Education 25.11.24
Our area of learning this half term is gymnastics. We have been exploring pushing and pulling balances, also known as counter and tension balances. We created balances with our partners, using different body parts, levels and apparatus. We also explored ways of moving in and out of our balances.
Science 13.11.24
In our science lessons this term, we are learning about properties and changes of materials. Today we used our dictionaries to find definitions of words we can use to describe different materials. We put our hands into a feely bag, chose a material and described it using some of the words we have learnt today.
Religious Education 12.11.24
Today we started our new topic 'God's Covenants'. In our lesson, we worked in groups and created posters all about God's covenants with Noah and Abraham. We recapped learning from Year 4 to help us too!
Geography 23.10.24
In our geography lessons this term, we have been looking at human and physical features. In our groups, we created these amazing posters of facts about the physical features of the Lake District National Park. When we go to Castlerigg, we will be in the Lake District!
Greece and Mexico Inspiration Day 18.10.24
We had an amazing day celebrating our inspiration day. Take a look at some of the amazing activities we did throughout the day.
Thursday 18th October
This afternoon, D-Side Dave visited us to talk about staying safe online. The focus was social media awareness. We thought about the social media we use, how to set our privacy settings, spotting fake profiles and what happens to the photos and information that we share.
Physical Education 17.10.24
Our theme in dance this half term is the circus. We have considered how and where a dancer moves. We began with ringmaster positions and added different circus acts to create our 'Greatest Showman' dance.
Physical Education 10.10.24
In P.E, we have been very lucky to have Brett from the Leeds Rhinos Foundation coaching us with some key football skills such as dribbling and passing. Today we put our skills into practise with a mini tournament. We had so much fun!
French 09.10.24
We love learning songs to embed both French phonics and common vocabulary and phrases in our French lessons. We enjoy singing, dancing and moving to these catchy French songs to develop our confidence and motivation to communicate in French.
Fire Safety Talk 8.10.24
This afternoon, firefighters from Leeds Fire Station on Kirkstall Road visited us to talk about keeping safe on Bonfire Night. We learnt that we always need to be sensible when we are around bonfires and fireworks and to encourage others to always be sensible too. We heard about hoax calls which can cost lives and the fact that firefighters and other emergency services can be called to situations and then be attacked themselves. These are examples of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB). These carry sentences of up to 10 years in prison.
English Writing 08.10.24
In English, we have been writing a suspense story. Today we worked in pairs to write the opening paragraph to introduce our story. Have a look and see what you think...
Fire Safety Talk 08.10.24
Today, Year 5 and 6 were very lucky to have a visit from West Yorkshire Fire Safety and Rescue Team. They came to teach us about how to stay safe around fire and fireworks in preparation for Bonfire Night. Thank you Mrs Crosthwaite for organising.
Physical Education 03.10.24
Today we enjoyed playing dodgeball. We had so much fun!
Active Break 03.10.24
Today we had a little 'active break' and decided to play rock, paper, scissors to get our hearts pumping. We had so much fun!
Connect challenge 02.10.24
As part of Holy Family’s membership with the Leeds Well School Partnership, our school took part in the ‘Connect Challenge’, in memory of Rob Burrow CBE. We took part in the ‘7 miles for 7 classes challenge’ where each class, from reception to year 6, ran 1 mile in the school grounds. We also took part in some other non-contact rugby challenges throughout the day.
Class Assembly 02.10.24
This morning we delivered the first assembly of the new school year. We reminded everyone of how important God's world is and how we should be thankful and respect all of the wonderful things He created.
We spoke about how it is our job to look after the world and how we can be stewards of creation!
Mount St Mary's 25.09.24
This morning, we visited Mount St Mary's for a taster of the lessons that they offer. We took part in Art (where we created our own badges), Music (where we showed off our Ukulele skills) and Science (where we tested different substances to see whether they were acids or alkalis).
We really enjoyed ourselves!
Guided Reading 19.09.24
In our reading lessons, we have been working on our fluency skills. We read in our pairs and encouraged each other to use expression when reading aloud.
English 18.9.24
This morning, we joined with Year 6 for a live webinar with author Katherine Rundell. She is the author of 'The Explorer' that we studied in Year 4. She shared hints and tips with us to help us in our writing including the importance of editing our work. It was really exciting to hear about her new book Impossible Creatures. We will definitely buy a copy and read this in our story times.
Religious Education 18.09.24
In our lesson, we were acting out the story of The Fall. We had to think about what each character would say and the importance of the story.
Collective Worship 17.09.24
Thank you to Grace, Gusta and Anya for delivering a beautiful and thought-provoking Collective Worship.
Religious Education 10.09.24
In our RE topic, we have been learning about God's wonderful world and what we wonder about God's world. We created a Creation Mural and some 'I wonder' poems.
Maths 05.09.24
In Maths, we have been representing numbers in different ways using lots of equipment. Miss Wharton was very impressed with how hard we worked and how well we worked in our groups!
English 04.09.24
In English, we have been recapping different sentences types. The teachers challenged us to write simple, compound and complex sentences and then we mixed them up and had to decide where they would go on our display.